Chun Tong Moo Do
Eclectic System of Taekwon-Karate

  Philosophy   |   Rank System   |   Forms   |   Background   |   Rules & Regulations

Philosophy                         Back to TOP

We are called Traditional Martial Arts because we focus on the traditions of martial arts as an end in itself. Obviously, activities include attention to various issues of health/exercise, self-defense, tournament competitions and even the more abstract notions of discipline and character, all of which can be enhanced, improved and perfected through proper martial arts education. However, martial arts is more than the means to those ends. If there were never another competition, and if we were never to be in harm's way, we would nevertheless continue to train just as before. That is, martial arts is an end in itself.

Our system is most remarkable in our attention to detail as students learn to distinguish the various elements that determine the quality of technique and performance.  The perfection we seek is of course an Ideal but through the process of analysis and reflection, our work brings produces a higher quality product - the best martial artist possible.

Our program leads practitioners from beginning levels through advanced levels not only through the program of belt and rank advancement but also for each individual technique, form and maneuver.  The table below illustrates this progression from initial stages of learning through the highest levels of competence.          Back to TOP

Levels of Performance ...

    5.   Real - Genuine
     4.   Demonstration
     3.   Virtual / Simulated
     2.   Hypothetical / Mimicry
     1.   Theoretical



The most realistic execution possible with safety.

The beginning levels of mere familiarity.

There has been much writing in martial arts and in the systems from which we grew that attempted to explain the value, importance and significance of martial arts on personal development. The fact is that the improvement of self through intellectual and physical study can be found in many endeavors outside the martial arts world. However, anyone can be a martial artist. Old/young, tall/short, female/male, etc. We have found that martial arts can be a microcosm of life in general. Goal setting, focused endeavor, diligence, patience, commitment, etc., etc., all important characteristics of success in life, are typically reflected in one's approach to martial arts.

The correlation between being a martial artist and the development of character seems less than absolute and not to be found just anywhere. Many schools, instructors and styles focus on the wrong fundamentals, create an inappropriate environment or fail to exemplify the ideals necessary for this nuturant effect. At Traditional Martial Arts, we believe simply that martial arts is for everyone; it is a "learnable" thing although ideally it is a life-style one adopts through which we seek perfection of character.

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The Dojang Hun

The attitudes of students of the Chun Tong style are reflected in the Dojang Hun (Training Hall Oath) recited at the beginning of every class. This recital of important principles is part of our heritage from the Chayon-Ryu system - an important part of our origin and history.


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Rank System                Back to TOP

Students begin at the White belt level and progress through a number of colors (consistent with our eclectic background) to Black Belt and beyond. Beginners are automatically considered white belts and progress forward from there. The rank progression with a typical time line is shown below:



Modern Colors 




White Belt

White Belt 10th gup Starting


Orange Belt

w/ Yellow Stripe
9th gup 4-6 months

Yellow Belt

Yellow (8th)
w/ Green Stripe (7th)
8th gup 6-12 months

Green Belt

Green 6th gup 1-1.5 years


Blue Belt

w/ Blue Stripe
5th gup 1-2 years

Purple Belt

Blue 4th gup 2-3 years


Purple w/Stripe

w/ Red Stripe
3rd gup 2-3 years

Brown Belt

Red 2nd gup 3-4 years

Brown w/Stripe

w/ Black Stripe
1st gup 4-5 years


  1st Dan 5-6 years


BLACK BELT   2nd Dan 1st Dan  + 2 yrs
(approx. 8 yrs)
BLACK BELT   3rd Dan 2nd Dan  + 3 yrs
(approx. 12 yrs)
BLACK BELT   4th Dan 3rd Dan  + 4 yrs
(approx. 16 yrs)
Master Black Belt   5th Dan 4th Dan  + 6 yrs
(approx. 22 yrs)

The TIME listed above is considered a minimum.  Advancement through the ranks requires both a minimum number of lessons as well as permission from the Chief Instructor to participate in the rank examination. Reasonable competency with the assigned material is only one of the criteria in consideration. Advanced rank levels are also required to teach. There are additional requirements to test for the rank of Black Belt.

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FORMS (Hyung/Kata)   (see a listing of our system's Forms below)

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While most people understand that martial arts includes fighting/self-defense skills, striking and kicking techniques and even hand-to-hand combat and the inevitable tournament competition, FORMS embody the essence of martial arts performance and discipline.  A form is simply a pattern of movements and techniques executed against an imaginary opponent.  Such forms require concentration, a kind of moving mediation, discipline and focus, and a sense of performance.  While 'Form' performances demand a mix of grace and finesse, the additional elements of power and sharp realism are no less important.  With such an abstract or elusive formula for quality, Form performances inevitably take on the very personalized and unique character of the individual.  The "ART" lies in the student's study and effort to learn and master the Ideal, the Perfection, the Classic interpretation of the Forms.

This "classic" notion of Forms is important in that a given Form represents a model we must interpret, a style we must learn and adopt, a standard to which we must rise.  While some schools and styles allow students and instructors to make up new forms or to modify the classic forms, we do not.  We do not believe that the Art should be adapted to us but rather that the student must try to adapt to the Art.  So, our system includes many very old and classic forms from Karate, TaeKwonDo and Chinese Kung Fu.

Variations in forms exist.  Why?  We believe that many forms, especially the older forms, went through a kind of evolution as young instructors taught differently from their teachers, or as instructors placed different interpretations on techniques, or even through simple error as the origins of forms are poorly documented.  The institutionalization and standardization of forms is a more modern phenomenon and, as such, leaves more exceptions from the past than uniformity in the present.  That is, the question of what is "correct" is not often answerable or even the best question.  We believe that it is a sufficient remedy to maintain an allegiance to the oldest known versions from our particular background, our ancestral lineage of styles and instrutors.  While we recognize that some school somewhere might disagree with this or that maneuver, our present and future students must nevertheless adapt to and adopt our "version" of these old forms.  Our close and direct connection to the early development of these martial arts indicates a very reliable interpretation.

There is a practical side to the study and performance of Forms.  Some fighters may think that Forms are a mere distraction to the goals of self-defense and fighting skills.  Not so.  Forms provide the means to rehearse technique, body-shifting, combinations, mental and physical readiness and more.  Regarding the development of a martial artist as a fighter... it has been said many times, the lion is stronger, the deer more graceful, the snake more subtle, the gun more deadly, but through a more comprehensive approach to martial arts than simply sparring, Forms provide the means to realize strength, grace and the subtle yet deadly mastery of both skills and Art.

FORM - ("Kata" in Japanese / "Hyung" in Korean)          Back to TOP

The Forms of Chun Tong:
Form Alt.Names Origin
Japanese:   =Jap.
Okinawan: =Oki.
Korean:     =Kor.
Chinese:   =Chi.
Meaning Rank
(Belt / Gup or Dan)
Rank when learned.
Kibon Hyung IL Chol
Kibon Hyung Yi Chol
Kibon Hyung Sam Chol
Kibon Hyung Sa Chol
Kibon Hyung Oh Chol
Kibon - Jap.
Taikyoku - Oki.
Kee Cho - Kor.
Basic Forms # 1-5 White/10th  .. # 1-3
Orange/9th  .. # 4-5
Pyung Ahn Cho Dan
Pyung Ahn Yi Dan
Pyung Ahn Sam Dan
Pyung Ahn Sa Dan
Pyung Ahn Oh Dan
Heian - Jap.
Pinan - Oki.
Pyung Ahn - Kor.
Safe Defense
Peaceful Mind
Orange/9th .. #1
Yellow/8th .. #2
Green/6th .. #3-4
Blue/5th .. #5
Palgue Il Jang (#1)
Palgue Yi Jang (#2)
Palgue Sam Jang (#3)
Palgue Sa Jang (#4)
Palgue Oh Jang (#5)
Palgue Yuk Jang (#6)
Palgue Chil Jang (#7)
Palgue Pal Jang (#8)

Palgue - Kor.
Providence of the Universe Orange/9th .. #1
Yellow/8th .. #2
Green/6th .. #3
Blue/5th .. #4-5
Purple/4th .. #6
Brown/2nd .. #7
Brown/1st .. #8
Koryo (the older)  
(Kang Duk Won)
Re: The Koryo Dynasty Purple/4th 
Koryo (the newer)  
(World TKD Fed.)
Re: The Koryo Dynasty Brown/1st
Tang Kwon  
Short Fist Purple/4th 
Han Son Tae Ryun  
One-Hand Sparring
(two-man form)
Tae Baek  
Tall Mountain in Korea Purple/4th 
Syp Soo Jutte - Jap./Oki.
10 hands / 10 men Purple/3rd
Doju San  
Escaping into the Mist Purple/3rd
Ji Tae  
Stomping the Earth Purple/3rd
Bat Sai Te
Bat Sai So
Bassai-te - Jap.
Patsai-te - Oki.
Smashing [into a] Fortress Brown/2nd .. (Te)
Black / 4th .. (So)
Chulki Cho Dan (#1)
Chulki Yi Dan (#2)
Chulki Sam Dan (#3)
Tekki - Jap.
Naihanchi - Oki.
Chul Ghi - Kor.
Iron Horse Brown/2nd .. (#1)
Black / 3rd .. (#2)
Black / 5th .. (#3)
Chang Gwon  
Long Fist
(two-man form)
Brown/1st .. (1st half)
Black / 2nd .. (2nd half)
No Hai
Am Hak
Gankaku - Jap.
Chinto - Oki.
Crane on a Rock or Crane Flocks
Flock of Crane
Black / 1st
Black / 4th-5th
Kong Sang Kun Kwanku - Jap.
Kushanku - Oki.
Viewing the Sky
Also: Chinese Military Envoy to Okinawa (1756-62) Kong Hsiang Chun
Black / 1st
Wan Shu Empi - Jap.
Wan Shu - Oki.
Eun Bee - Kor.
Flying Swallow Black / 3rd-4th
Keum Gang  
Beautiful (a mountain) & Hard (a diamond) Black / 1st-2nd
Pyang Wan  
a Plain or Plateau Black / 3rd
Sip Jin  
Attention to Detail Black / 4th
      Always More to Learn ...

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System Background

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We have a specific background which extends back hundreds of years in a direct lineage to the old masters. The more general history extends for over two thousand years across what is today Korea, Japan, Okinawa, Manchuria, China and even India.

In each of the four Art forms, Dr. Jerry P. Galloway, and therefore the students of Chun Tong Moo Do (Traditional Martial Arts), are linked directly to the founders of the original art forms. See the History link onthe control panel for an extended detail on our ancestry and the origins of these Arts.

Art Forms

Our system is an eclectic system which includes four Art forms outlined below. The eclectic nature of our style reflects the multinational and multicultural influence of the past. Students ranked in the Chun Tong style are therefore also ranked in all four of these areas:


This Korean martial art provides the cultural center of our program and the largest influence on our technique. TaeKwonDo is a strong, powerful, "battle"-oriented Art form with a strong emphasis on high kicking techniques. Terminology used in our schools is Korean. Dr. Galloway is the Vice-President of the Indiana State TaeKwonDo Association (ISTA) an we also remain associated with the United States TaeKwonDo Union (USTU). While we do associate with these relatively modern organizations of TaeKwonDo, our style is more traditional and reflects the eclectic influence from other areas.

Shudokan Karate

This traditional Japanese/Okinawan "empty hand" martial art has been a major influence for over a century. Karate brings a large number of forms (Hyung) which make up the primary focus of classroom experience, training and performance. Karate involves a strong, powerful "battle"-oriented system of self-defense and fighting techniques.


This Korean martial art was founded after WW-II and provides skills in hand-to-hand self-defense. Techniques involve manipulating opponents through controlling momentum, body weight and direction, with joint locks, take-down maneuvers and more.

Chuan-Fa (Kung-Fu)

Chuan-Fa (way of the fist) is Chinese Kung-Fu and provides alternate techniques and variations in fluid motions and graceful movements. Our style is one of the few systems which includes direct influences of both TaeKwonDo and Chuan-Fa.

Our most immediate background is traced to the Chayon-Ryu system, founded by Grandmaster Kim Soo in 1968. What we do today is based most directly on Dr. Galloway's personal experiences training with the Grandmaster. The eclectic nature of our system is found in Chayon-Ryu. For more information see the Background link in the control panel.

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