- Older Group 1

  These were earlier attempts - some, not so well done. 

November April

Return to Newer Moon Photos




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Copernicus      Date:  09-30-02  5:00am
1/25 sec. Exposure  - SAC7 CCD Camera
Prime Focus with 2" Diagonal
Telescope:  LX200 - 12"   f/10
Shot in Valparaiso, Indiana.

Click... Enlargement
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Location View
Apollo 15 Landing Site
Shot from my driveway...  The camera is Pentax Automatic.  Film:  Kodak 100 speed    Date:  08-26-01  At home: Valparaiso, Indiana
Eyepiece Projection with my 26mm plossl.
Telescope:  LX200 - 10"
2 seconds - approx. 100 x

Be sure to see the labels.

Click... Enlargement
-or-  w/ Labels
Southern Field of  Craters
Shot from my driveway...  The camera is Pentax Automatic.  Film:  Kodak 100 speed    Date:  08-26-01  At home: Valparaiso, Indiana
Eyepiece Projection with my 26mm plossl eyepiece.
Telescope:  LX200 - 10"
1 second - approx. 100 x

Click... Enlargement
-or-  w/ Labels
Location View
Extreme Closeup
Shot from my driveway...  Pentax Automatic. Film:  Kodak 100 speed   
Date:  08-26-01 
At home: Valparaiso, Indiana.
Eyepiece Projection with my 9.7 mm plossl. - Telescope:  LX200 - 10"
5 seconds - approx. 257X

Surprising Detail !
Check out the Location View.

More Moon Craters
My best photos yet.  Pentax Automatic.  Film:   Kodak 100 speed
Date:  07-11-01      Shot at home - 4:30 am... Valparaiso, Indiana.
I used Eyepiece projection with my 26 mm plossl

Telescope:  LX200 - 10"   f/10 converted to f/6.3

2 seconds - approx. 65 x
Click... Enlargement
-or- Large w/ Labels

4 secs - approx. 130 x
Click... Enlargement
-or- Large w/ Labels

4 seconds - approx. 130 x
Click... Enlargement
-or- Large w/ Labels

Click... Enlargement
-or- Large w/
More Moon Craters
Part of my best photos at the time.  The camera is Pentax Automatic.  Film:  Kodak 100 speed    Date:  07-11-01  4:30am 
At home: Valparaiso, Indiana
I used Eyepiece Projection with my 26mm plossl
Telescope:  LX200 - 10"   f/10 converted to f/6.3
1/2 second - approx. 65X


Moon Craters
Still somewhat out of focus  - but cool image.
The camera is a Pentax Automatic.  Shot at NIAG-Fest, Indiana.
Date:  04-28-01      Film:   Kodak 800 speed
Exposure:  about 1.5 seconds
  (manual click)
I think I used Eyepiece projection with my 9.7 mm plossl

Telescope:  LX200 - 10"   f/10

Click Photo - or -
HERE for Labels

Location of 
Left Photo... Click

Click Photo
Part of my first celestial roll of film - experimenting with the camera. The camera is a Pentax Automatic.  Shot in Valparaiso, Indiana.
Date:  11-5-00

Film:   Kodak 400          Exposure:  10 seconds
Off Axis Guider ... No Eyepiece
Telescope:  LX200 - 10"   f/10